We’re thrilled to announce several game changing features and updates in our 14.0 Release that save you time and enable material & transportation cost reductions: Intelligent Document Processing, the More Units Per Box IQ Recommendation, and enhancements to specification versioning and numbering. As always, thanks to all of you Specright users for your feedback and input – now onto the fun stuff.
Automate Data Entry with Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
One of the biggest pain points for brands, manufacturers, and retailers is document and data digitization. Oftentimes, critical information from suppliers or different departments is shared via static PDFs or excel spreadsheets, making it difficult for companies to analyze and take action on data in real-time. That’s why we're excited to launch Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).
IDP takes the manual effort out of digitizing critical documents. Based on customer feedback, our first version of IDP supports the digitization and processing of Certificates of Analysis (COAs).Using Machine Learning modeling, IDP extracts top level data as well as test data against other COA formats received from various suppliers.COAs come in many different file formats, like PDFs or PNGs – and typically no brand or supplier uses the same format.
But with IDP, this unstructured data can be easily processed, which means you can say goodbye to hours of data input and hello to data accuracy, time savings, and advanced analytics. We plan to expand IDP to cover additional document types in the future - from Certificates of Insurance to specification sheets and everything in between. Let us know what you’d like to see next!

Optimize Your Packaging With New IQ Recommendations in Specright Analytics
One of the biggest benefits of digitizing specification data is the ability to run analytics and drive business value. That’s why we’re thrilled to expand our Specright Analytics capabilities with our More Units Per Box IQ recommendation.
With More Units per Box, our IQ recommendations engine analyzes all of your packaging and product data and suggests how you can reduce material usage by adding more layers and/or units to packaging. By increasing the number of units of a product within a box, companies can increase material savings (by using less packaging) and drive sustainability improvements.
Like other IQ recommendations, More Units per Box calculates the potential benefits (such as material reduction) and shows the impacted specifications. By increasing the number of units in a box, fewer boxes need to be purchased and used. This has an immediate impact on inbound logistics, decreasing the number of deliveries needed to reach your required inventory levels. In instances where adding more units to a box also increases the number of units that can fit on an outbound truck, less trucks will be required to get products to your customers.
Utilize More Units per Box for transportation savings, less labor needed on plant floors, less required warehouse space for raw materials and finished goods, fewer invoices, and for scenarios where less trucks are optimal.

Improve Versioning with Enhancements to Spec Superseding, Cloning, & Autonumbering
Versioning & Cloning
Specifications are constantly changing, which makes keeping track of the latest version (and previous ones) extremely important. We first debuted upgrades to Supersede (Versioning) and Dynamic Clone in release 13.0.
We then learned that many customers wanted the ability to easily change the status or values of an old record once it had been versioned and was no longer in use.
Now, Specright can set default values on the superseded record and the new record to make it easier to track what’s in use. For example: after a record has been superseded, the status of the old record will automatically change to obsolete and the new record to “In Process.” This enables better data hygiene and seamless versioning.

Smart Specification Auto-Numbering
Speaking of keeping track of records in Specright, many customers rely on unique record identifiers (IDs) to help them better name and version specifications. Most companies have unique naming conventions, which is why we’re expanding capabilities around auto-numbering to make it more robust and configurable.
Now, users can configure the auto generated record IDs in Specright to include a prefix and suffix that can automatically add another value from a field on that same record.For example, the version number could be included as part of the auto-generated ID, making it easier to search for the right record using Specright’s universal search.

We hope you enjoy these new features and capabilities. To learn more, reach out to your Customer Success representative or support@specright.com.